Sunday, November 8, 2015

PDF⋙ Respect That Woman: Only a Fool Would Limited Her! (Volume 1) by Truth Serum

Respect That Woman: Only a Fool Would Limited Her! (Volume 1) by Truth Serum

Respect That Woman: Only a Fool Would Limited Her! (Volume 1)

Respect That Woman: Only a Fool Would Limited Her! (Volume 1) by Truth Serum PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The premise behind this book is to shed some light on the FORGOTTEN HISTORY and ancient reverence for THE AFRIKAN/BLACK WOMAN, in hopes that she begin to see herself as divine (again). It is only through TRUE UNDERSTANDING that one is able to see with CLARITY. My message to the Afrikan Woman is, hold your head up, RECLAIM your historical role, and raise a NEW GENERATION of young men and women, boys and girls to APPRECIATE you for all that you have DONE and still DO! One of the most important aspects lost in the transition of development is, that deeper respect for the WOMAN, and this is one of many issues we as a people face today. I am very much aware of the EXTERNAL FORCES that made all of our current issues come to fruition, however, this cycle of IGNORANCE can be ERADICATED with the proper EDUCATION (not training) and knowledge of ONE’S SELF. Also, I hope that the men, can reflect back on the past as well and see for themselves that because of her, he truly exist. Not only that, she was his strength, they were a team, and a team can only win, by complimenting each other, assisting one other, building each other up and looking out for one another. The Afrikan woman has done so much for civilization, writing, math, agriculture, science, spirituality, and the list can go on. You are the house, and your comforting abilities and your nourishing skills are what makes the young, and those around you greater! It was not a myth that women were the true sources of power during the days of antiquity because if we look at the modern version of this concept, we still say that; “Behind every great man, there is a powerful woman!”

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