Stop Clutter from Stealing Your Life: Discover Why You Clutter and How You Can Stop by Mike Nelson, David Elias
Stop Clutter from Stealing Your Life: Discover Why You Clutter and How You Can Stop by Mike Nelson, David Elias PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
According to Mike Nelson, a recovering clutterer who knows first-hand what clutter can do and how it can be controlled, clutter is not just a minor annoyance or an organizational challenge. It can destroy self-esteem and relationships, contribute to financial problems, and even lead to unemployment. "Stop Clutter from Stealing Your Life" gives you the practical advice you need to de-clutter you life and get yourself on the path to recovery. The tips you'll find throughout, such as clutter-free zones or establishing systems and filing habits will get your organized -- for good.From reader reviews:
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